Alex Bashara

About Me

Hello, my name is Alex Bashara. I am currently a Senior at Iowa State University majoring in Computer Engineering. I plan to graduate with a bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering in December of 2024. I am extermely interested in new technologies and embedded systems. I also have a passion for cars and am the Electrical Team Lead on the Formula SAE team at Iowa State. I love to learn and gain experience in different fields and am always up to new challenges.

Career Goals

After I graduate, I am looking into possible Master's programs or would like to go into industry working with Embedded Systems. I am very passionate about cars, so the automotive industry is my goal. I also am interested in the aerospace industry and would love to work on embedded systems for aircraft or rockets. I have many career goals and plan to work very hard to achieve them. I am excited to learn more and cannot wait to see what the future holds!


Rivian: Embedded Software Engineer

This summer I am excited to join the Rivian HV Charging team working on Embedded Software!


Georgia Tech Reseach Institute: Applied Embedded Systems Engineer

At GTRI, I was in the Applied Embedded Systems lab working on Phased Array Radar Systems. I spent time working on an Xilinx based RFSoC system and interacted regularly with Vivado enviroments and VHDL. The Xilinx development boards used the ADCs and DACs to process system signals using techniques such as oversampling and decimation. While working at GTRI, I also spent time creating lots of documentation covering the system architecture and specifications that was presented to the customer.

Georgia Tech Research Institute

Western Digital: Enterprise SSD Firmware Engineering

At Western Digital, I worked on the Core Enterprise SSD Team. My main project was building onto the drive simulation tools in python to help with the development of the firmware. I was able to add the ability to run multiple sequences in a row to streamline the testing process. I was also able to contribute by cleaning up deprecated build flags in the code base and creating documentation for the new simulation tools.

Western Digital


Multicore Interfence Analysis

This project was my senior desgin project that was overseen by Boeing. The goal of this project was to identify architectural interfence channels, bound the worst case execution time, and show how effective different interference mitigation techniques are in a Xen hypervisor. We used a multicore ARM processor and ran multiple tasks on it to see how they would interfere with each other. We used a combination of open source tools as well as some self written programs to stress the system and monitor the performance. For this project, I was the Embedded Systems Engineer and helped with the hardware bringup as well as worked on the cache interfence channel by writing interference generators and studying ARM architectures. I learned a lot about shared resouces and how they can interfere with each other as well as ARM architectures. This project allows for Boeing to validate multicore systems and understand how they can be used in safety critical systems.

Multicore Operational Analysis Tooling

Real-Time Telemetry System

When I joined the Cyclone Racing Formula SAE Team in 2021, the team had never had a wireless telemetry system. Another engineer and I set out to build one. In the first year, we managed to create a basic AVR based system that was able to collect data from the ECU, send it wirelessly in real time, and display it on a computer. In the second year, we improved the system by creating a custom PCB as well as adding a dash display for the driver and a new sensors such as brake temp and accelerometers. In the third year, we moved the system to an ARM based platform, creating custom microcontroller PCBs. This allowed us much more control over the funcionality of the system as well as allowed us implement a RTOS to help manage our Real-Time requirements.

Link to Cyclone Racing's GitHub

Simulated MIPS VHDL Processor

For this project, my group and I were tasked with creating three different architectures for a MIPS Processor: a single cycle structure, a software pipeline, and a hardware pipeline. We started with the single cycle architecture by creating a VHDL file for each component of the processor. We then moved on to the software pipeline, which was a bit more challenging. We had to create a control unit that would be able to handle the different stages of the pipeline. Finally, we moved on to the hardware pipeline. This was the most challenging part of the project. We had to create a control unit that would be able to handle the different stages of the pipeline. We also had to create a forwarding unit to handle data hazards.

Vivado Projects

One of the classes that I choose to take was Embedded Systems Design. In this class, other engineers and I were tasked with creating multiple FPGA based projects including an NES Emulator, Drone Controller, Camera System, and an Embedded Linux Driver. For these projects we used a Zynq 7000 SoC and Vivado to create the projects. We also used the Xilinx Vitis SDK to write the embedded software. This class was a great learning experience and I was able to learn a lot about embedded systems and FPGA design.

Petalinux Bringup

After spending some time with Vivado and learning about FPGAs from various experiences, I wanted to work on something for myself. I orderd an Avnet MPSoC Ultrascale+ development board and set out to create a Petalinux image for it. I was able to get the board up and running with a custom image and was able to run some basic programs on it. This was a great learning experience and I was able to learn a lot about the boot process and how to create a custom image. I want to create a larger project with this board in the future and am excited to see what I can do with it.

Downloadable Files

Resume Ethics Essay Cumulative Reflection General Education Reflection